Thursday, May 24, 2007

Everything is Dead

Why does everybody think that everything is dead? I hear it all the time....Rock is dead, Punk Rock is dead, Hip-Hop is dead, Chivalry is dead, Patriotism is dead.......etc. When did everything die? I have heard that these things are not only dead but they have been killed. Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

Who didn't have an infatuation with Faces of Death in the mid-90's? Who doesn't want to see something die? Which brings me to my next point. Why is it always cool things that end up dying? Why don't I ever hear about things like metrosexuality dying? It seems to me that the common man is the one that is dying.

I was watching Hidalgo last night and at the end Mr. Bad-Ass-I-Just-Raced-Across-the Arabian-Sands Viggo Mortenson lets his horse go back into the wild and what does he do? He starts to cry........I stayed up until one o freaking clock to watch this movie and this little homo starts to cry.

Which brings me to my next question. When is the correlation between some of the coolest words to use to insult your friends (homo, fag, queer) and actual homosexuals going to die? Can someone kill that please? I refuse to stop using those words because I am a man and I act like a man and I use offensive words without apology because that is what men do. I would never call a gay person anyone of those words because as a man I am respectful and do not need to put others down in order to feel like a man.

It is just fun and funny to do so amongst your closest friends. That being said can someone please tell me when something badass is about to be killed? I would like the opportunity to try and save it.

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