Some of you have bitched and moaned about my usage of the picture of Stephen Hawking.
And by some of you I mean the people in my delusional fantasy land where this blog is actually popular and doesn't just serve to stave off my murderous rampage if not for another day.
To these people I give you this.
Stephen Hawking can literally lick my balls. People who say it is wrong to make fun of someone in his condition can l-i-c-k m-y- b-a-l-l-s.Do you know who he is? Do you know what he has done? I make fun of ol'Stevie because I know that whatever I say or whatever I do he will always be able to look at me and tell me to lick HIS balls and I will feel like maybe that is a command that I should follow.
This guy is a freaking genius and not like one of those real men of genius either but a certified mentally pound you in the ass theoretical physicist. This guy belongs to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. That means that essentially his only purpose in life is to sit around and think shit up that would make YOUR head explode.
Never mind that even without the crippling disease he looks like he would be a nancy boy anyway. And to be quite honest we in St. Boringville question the legitimacy of his disease. I think he is just lazy.
So to you Stephen Hawking we send out a diplomatic caravan loaded with "Fuck You's" and "Lick our balls" ff
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