Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Guess who pissed me off this week? v.2

*whiny piss ass voice* I only eat vegetables
*even whinier pissier voice* Well I am a vegan
*baritone manly man voice* I eat meat and I don't care
Shut up you stupid ass pirates.
I seriously could not care less over what anyone is eating ever.
News flash people, nobody but you and your little freak show following cares about what you or anyone else eats.
Oh look at the poor defenseless little animal that you slaughtered so you could live. Yeah, lets all just eat tofu and vegetables. Do you know what 7 billion people eating nothing but what is grown in the ground would do to this planet? Are you so delusional that you think vegetables would be able to sustain us?
Oh, look at me I eat meat and brag about it because I am a pompous ass who needs to be "controversial" in a pitiful attempt to seem interesting. Eating meat isn't controversial you deustchbag. Not when old man 'GOP member and so conservative he makes Mormons look like a motorcycle gang' river at the table next to you is gumming down some barely cooked steak.
You people make my brain hurt to the point that the only way to alleviate the pain is to murder hookers and stuff them into my trunk.

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