Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic harmony my asshole

I had a realization the other day as I watched the Olympics...There is no Olympic truce.

Lets go ahead and remind ourselves who participates in the Olympics.

Why isn't that just the silliest question? Of course it is the best athletes in the world going head to head.

Well you are correct there professor but answer me this...

How are these athletes collectively categorized?

They are categorized by their respective countries right? I mean you really don't know how the Olympics work?

Hey, here's an idea, how about I murder your family you little bitch...
Ok tough guy, anytime you are ready I am right over here...
Oh I am already there, you just don't know it...
Oh, a tough guy huh...look at the tough guy...come on tough guy...I'm right here

(on an unrelated matter does anyone know where I can hire a good attorney to hypothetically represent me in a 1st degree murder case)

So, these Olympians are seperated by country and then these athletes who are representing their countries compete with the other countries.

How exactly does this promote peace and harmony and truce?

How long before the Pollacks beat the Nazis in an event and the Nazis do what they do best?

How long before the Gringos destroy the Japs and the Japs start taking flying lessons minus the landing part again and then the Gringos act before they think of the consequences?

How long before the Americans own the Africans...oh wait.....

So yeah the media can say what they want about the Olympics but I know the truth..I know the truth.


Dream said...

You know... there are plenty of decaffeinated brands on the market today that taste JUST like the real thing. Really, try it out. I have a coupon for a free sample somewhere if you really need it.


Unknown said...

I am wondering. Do you have a certain soft spot for Christian Bale? I mean, I know that I do, but for other reasons...just musing on the different pictures and references to him and his work.